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Campaign Design


"Charity: Water" is a non-profit organization that provides clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries. The purpose of their campaign is to gather donations to put an end to the water crisis across the world.


To achieve the goal of this campaign, a series of posters was created using a specific colour palette that aligns with the brand's culture and feel. The poster aims to showcase the impact and devastation caused by the water crisis in these countries.

Client Brochure.jpg

Charity : Water





Water Crisis

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Poster 3.jpg

A series of 3 posters have been designed for this campaign, each showcasing a story about children in developing countries who lack access to clean water.


Poster 1


Clean water helps keep kids in school, especially girls.
Less time collecting water means more time in class. 


Clean water and proper toilets at school mean teenage girls don’t have to stay home for a week out of every month.

Poster 1.jpg

Poster 2


Diseases from dirty water kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war.


43% of those deaths are children under five years old. Access to clean water and basic sanitation can save around 16,000 lives every week.

Poster 2.jpg

Poster 3


“My daughter fell in the well, I ran for help but it was too late. She died and I lost my mind” -Siyani
Siyani’s life is forever changed by the tragic loss of her young daughter, Sahib.


Young girls like Sahib are responsible for collecting water for their communities from poorly maintained wells that often lack boundary walls or any safety features.

Poster 3.jpg

Video Editing

This video can be shared on the organization's social media platforms and displayed on public ad screens, such as in a train station.

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